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hope your MIL's wrist heals quickly. still sounds like you had a great New Years.


Amy, have you never had corn nuts before? I know they've been available in Canada for a very long time, but they tend to be oversalted.
The mochi looks good, it's the konyaku that ruins the oden photo. I always thought you didn't like osechi, at least the traditional kinds. The ones you showed this year are very new to me. You made yakitai, but have you ever tried taiyaki? It's very different.


Thanks Kat!

David, I know and love corn nuts, I just get a kick out of how they're called "giant corn" in Japanese. Hehe, I like both but I'll take yakitai over taiyaki any day.


Shuma seems to be a real camera poser - very nice.
But who is that tall foreign looking person in the family photo? So out of place there.

I know, it totally ruins the picture!



I just scrolled deeper. You still do food.
Always loved your food and pics.
Your child is smiley.

Yup, still do food it's just mostly not the kind to take pictures of and share. I look forward to the day I'll have the time to spend hours in the kitchen on a cooking project, or the money to spend thousands of yen at a fancy restaurant...


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